Join HeSCA
Thank you for your interest in membership with the Health Sciences Communications Association. The following membership options are available:
An individual becomes a member of HeSCA upon payment of annual dues and approval of his/her application by the Board of Directors. Individual member benefits include:
- Voting privileges
- “Feedback” the HeSCA newsletter
- “Journal of Visual Communication in Medicine” a quarterly professional journal
- A copy of the membership directory
- Access to placement services
- Reduced rates on HeSCA publications
- Reduced registration fees for Annual Meetings
- Reduced rate on HeSCA services
- Access to the HeSCA Listserv
To join HeSCA, click here to download a PDF of the membership application.
Students who submit evidence of full-time enrollment in a college or university with their application are eligible for student membership rates ($75). Student members receive the same benefits as individual members.
Individuals who have retired from active employment are eligible for retiree membership rates ($90). Retired members receive the same benefits as individual members.
Institutions are eligible to become members of HeSCA. One individual is selected by the Institution to be the “lead” representative member, and pays the institutional rate ($195). Any number of additional members may be included at the regular membership rate ($150). All members are entitled to the same benefits as individual members, and the institution may transfer membership among individuals at any time.
Organizations and firms that perceive the goals and purposes of HeSCA to be aligned with their own, may wish to become Sustaining Members. One individual membership is extended to each Sustaining Member, with that individual receiving the same benefits as those in the individual category. Sustaining Membership fees are $1,000 per year. The individual member representing the Sustaining member may be transferred by the organization at any time.
Individuals or organizations considering membership should contact the HeSCA Central Office for further information: